Tuesday, October 25, 2005

1st Blog

Hi any & all,

Yep, it happened!

I'm a blogger. Only took me a year or so to catch on. :)

Any rate I've been online since the fido-net days (last century stuff).
Just google zaako and you'll see several hundred matches. Guess I leave a large trail.

I've got sites like my new health & growth Your-Health-Center.com
WebWorkersWeekly.com where I play with web tools and trends.

HGHLink.com is about the Human Growth Hormone and its effects on you as you age,
and what can be done about it.
Plus about 20 others.

I'm 50 I've got a wonderfull wife and bunches of kids (mostly only 2 still at home).
More later if I can think of anything worth noting.

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