Thursday, July 05, 2012

Steven Spielberg discusses Project Natal

You've heard about it. You've seen it. Now tell us what games and experiences you can imagine with Project Natal! Visit and submit your inspiration.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Other topics include development of the new X-Box controller "Project Natal" which has facial and voice recognition capability, the mass marketing of psychotropic pharmaceuticals and forced vaccinations.

Kinect review

Should I get a PSP Go, iPod Touch 4th generation, or Project Natal?

Question by BLACKxKNIGHT123: Should I get a PSP Go, iPod Touch 4th generation, or Project Natal?
My graduation is coming up and my parents are letting me get something expensive as a gift. I was thinking of an iPod Touch 4th generation which has camera, longer battery life, and faster processing, but this doesn't come out till early September, a PSP Go because I like the idea of downloading a game and that is it, and Project natal because I like the idea of no controller, but this also

Kinect review