Thursday, November 13, 2008

Frustrated by So Called Free People Sites?

The other day I had a freind ask me to find someone for her as
She had discovered that she was pregnant and had not seen the man
for over 2 months as they had ended their relationship and he had moved.
Oh, and she was broke so could I do it for her for free.

I agreed to help her, as freinds and family told her that I was an expert at finding things online as I'm a known as a very good internet researcher!
Not wanting to lose money on this, I tried the "free people searches"

Only to find that while they do indeed do a free search (quality varied a lot)
To see the real results you had to pay from $2 to $20! Per search!
Well with my reputation on the line I was getting fustrated!
You know what I mean, don't you?

So I dug in and spent dozens of hours scouring the net both visible
as well as the "hidden net", until finilly I found it,
A free people search with free search results!

STOP and realize that you've never ever seen an site like
this before anywhere on the net! A truly Free Peaople Search
Site That gives you free search results as well!!

Obviously you can see how using this free people search
will clearly make you more effective in locating people
When you visit this site you'll discover why so many
people get excited and tell their friends about it.

Now listen closely! There are two crevates,
First you can only research US Records and
secondly to unlock your results you've got to sign-up for
a free Reuion account that takes a few seconds.

When you unlock your results you'll feel the power that
comes from getting unlimited lookups on anyone you want,
whenever you want. With no fees ever!

Get your Free people search results here .

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Not Just Free People Searches, but Free People Search Results

I recently had to look up some one and got REAL FRUSTRATED!

I went through dozens of "free people search" site only to find only the search was free NOT the results!

Finely I found one!

There is a Truly Free People Search site That Gives The Results For FREE!

I found it at

Just imagine Name age address phone even photos (sometimes) are provided to you for free!

There is one small hoop you have to jump through, you have to sign-up for a free reunion account to unlock access but it's all free.

There are links to paid services if you want more (like neighbors etc).

This Service is ONLY available for US Searches.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Understanding the math

Understanding the math: "The base formula consists of three variables. Na is a set and established constant named - Avogadro's Constant an established number is 6.022 141 5 × 1023 per mole.

We take this number and multiply it times the density of an element. The density is the number of grams per cubic centimeter of an atom and can be found in many references. We them divide this by the atomic mass of the element and we would have the number of atoms in a cubic centimeter. By taking the cube of the centimeter, we know how physical diameter of the atom. Or, we now know its physical resonance."

Yea I know it sounds weird. I've been following, and experimenting, with info from this man for several years and I feel and believe he's "on to something"!
I've made yeasty gold from silver following his thoughts and research.

40+ Firefox Add-ons for High Speed Blogging

This is a cool & useful article about Firefox addons that will help you if you blog.
40+ Firefox Add-ons for High Speed Blogging

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A wonderful pyrographer

I have discovered a wonderful new portrait artist. She burns pictures of people, pets a kids in wood! I am blown away by the quality of her work! You can view her pyrographs & portraits here .

Also look at her stuff below!

Monday, March 03, 2008

A Cool new site to express yourself on Squidoo

Hey folks,

I just discovered a cool new site (about 5 months old) that is fun, you can make money and can get you listed in the search engines FAST !

You create 1 page "lens"es using a easy to use templating system on any subject you want.
Squidoo builds a spider food rich page for you. You can easily monitize your lens using eBay, Amazon and other "moduals" You can also add simple HTML links yourself.
See my 1st lens:

It took me about 2 hours to put together. I've built others, some of them only took abot 15 min!
This is fast easy and fun.

Check 'em out at:

Till next time